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I have tried, and failed to adopt the AmosIRC program for use as a James Bond netgaming forum. So, I'm asking very nicely if someone could try writing:
A Simple IRC program (simple as in so that /I/ can understand how it works :), that runs asyncro. (the main loop needs to be constantly updated) and finally, that uses the amos custom screen.
If you would write one, I'd be really really greatful.
I'll be a bit more specific:
A) Could it please only have a very simple interface using 1 or more AMOS screens (I can integrate it into my own iface later;) where it sends and recieves messages and the basic IRC commands.
b) Could it also be able to get a list of everyone on that channel and put it into an array, on demand?
c) Could it be simply written with lots of REMS please? Contrary to popular belief, I'm not an expert in programming :)
Anyway, any help I get will be very much aprechiated :)
See ya.
Manta Soft - Amiga programing & web page designing